Lava Lamps and the Internet

Posted by OLD BITTY at 8:29 AM

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

After a couple of hours of surfing blogs (colors and words start blending together in one big mush) - I have come to conclusion that the internet is today's version of lava lamps. A swirling mass of color and shapes that holds your attention for no particular reason, and yet you are still fascinated and continue to stare at it.

What is it that folks find so fascinating? The occasional flash of a bit of bare skin? The flashing, glittering, talking (spooky) bells and whistles? The cute and cuddly kid and animal photos? The daily tidbits of people's secret lives? The promise of big bucks just around the corner?

There is definitely an endless stream of consciousness out here in the blogosphere and across the net and it is easy to get mesmerized and end up just clicking and staring for hours on end. Of course here I am adding to ever growing mass of endless chatter. I suppose it's like the old motto says, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."

I even added a little gadget over in the sidebar to count visitors and some fancy button things - just in case any one wanted to stop back now and then.


Anonymous said...

nice bttons I think I will come back....:)))

OLD BITTY said...

Thanks Robert - nice to see meet you. Just expect to many fancy new do-dads too often - I'm definitely not an expert on all that code type stuff.