Lies We Tell The Young

Posted by OLD BITTY at 3:48 AM

Friday, March 28, 2008

So young, so innocent, their fresh faces turn to us for wisdom, guidance, and advice and what do we do? We LIE!

Here is just a small sample of the lies we tell the young:

Lie: Childbirth doesn't hurt.
Truth: Yeah it does! And parenthood keeps on hurting for a lifetime (all that stress, worry, the teen years, empty nest - yikes!)

Lie: You grow wiser as you get older.
Truth: You get more absent minded as you get older, so you forget most of the dumb things you say and do, so you only "think" you're wiser.

Lie: What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
Truth: What doesn't kill you, you sometimes wish it did, all it makes you is older, more tired, a lot more cranky, and often constipated.

So listen to Old Bitty - set the truth free, stop telling lies to the young!


Aerten said...

Truth is a lovely thing. I've been telling my daughter, "You're absolutely right... life is NOT fair" for 18 years. She still thinks it ought to be. Some people apparently prefer to hear the lies.