Stepping into the blogosphere

Posted by OLD BITTY at 9:08 AM

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Source for graphic: EZ Money Online.

You may be asking yourself what is this old bitty doing out here in the blogosphere. I am asking myself the same thing. Perhaps together we can figure it out.

After surfing the web for some time now, I decided what the heck, I'll jump in and add my 2 cents to the general babble of blogging chatter. As the brain ages, and my brain cells die off, perhaps blogging my thoughts, memories, rantings, and common sense advice will be a way for me to remember what I used to know as memories fade.

So here I am world - or at least the blogging portion of the world. I'll warn you now I'm often cranky, occasionally witty, been known to babble, and plan on blogging purely for my own amusement.


The_Mrs said...

Welcome to the blogosphere!

I loved your blog title and decided to visit.

I'll be back and I hope you continue on with all your thoughts. I will look forward to them. :)

Take care,

OLD BITTY said...

Wow my first visitor - thanks for stopping by. Had I known you were coming I would have had some tea and cookies or something.

mikster said...

Welcome aboard... and stuff. It can get kind of addictive though.

OLD BITTY said...

Hey thanks for stopping by. Gee two visitors already, perhaps I should pretty up the place a bit.

The_Mrs said...

Nah, I don't need any cookies, but thanks for offering. :) Maybe we can have a beer sometime. This blogging thing is addictive and I really didn't know how much until after I realized I'd already written more than 50 posts in about a month. Just wanted to say hello again. Hello again. :D

OLD BITTY said...

Welcome back The Mrs - definitely could use some cookies, you need to put some meat on those bones! (at least from the little picture of you any way)

Unknown said...

Blog on, Old Bitty! You KNOW I'll be back!!!

P.S. Some of these verification fonts are hell on old eyes, don'cha know?